
Winter Workshops are available for registration. Please click on the Workshops link for details.

“Anniversary: 10 Years of the Charles Altschul Book Arts Studio” at Haas Gallery, Maine Media College, Rockport, ME, Sept. 25 - Dec. 1

“8x10, 2024” at The Center for Photographic Art and on, Sept. 12-Oct. 1, 2024

“The Paula Tognarelli Collection” at the Maine Museum of Photographic Arts, April 5- May 25.

“Floriography” Claire Elizabeth Gallery, Dec. 7- Jan. 15, 2024 with a reception on Dec. 16, 3-6pm.

“Marcy Palmer: That Luscious Day” PDNB Gallery, Oct. 14 - Nov. 25. Artist Talk Oct. 28, 2pm; Reception Oct. 14, 5-8pm

Marcy Palmer “That Luscious Day” photography exhibition at PDNB Gallery, Dallas, TX

“Marcy Palmer: That Luscious Day” photography exhibition announcement at PDNB Gallery

“TPS Talks with Marcy Palmer” Texas Photographic Society, July 28, 7pm online

Marcy Palmer: Texas Photographic Society Talks

“Nine Conversations” curated by Christa Dix, The Griffin Museum of Photography, Lafayette City Center, Boston, MA, July - Sept. 2023

“Hold Up Half the Sky” juried by Aline Smithson, Dallas Center for Photography, TX, June - July 2023

“Dandelion: A Symbol of Resistance” curated by Elizabeth Weinstein, Longe Vue House & Gardens, LA, March - September, 2023

“HUQ; I Seek No Favor” exhibition and book, curated by Ashima Yadava, Gallery 5, San Jose State University, CA, April 2023

“Garden Party” curated by Danielle Avram, The SP/N Gallery, UT Dallas, TX, March - April 2023

“Shared Storytelling: New Acquisitions from the Franklin Furnace Archive”, ISC, Pratt Institute, NYC, March - April 2023

“Vignette 2022” juried by Vicki Meek at The Dallas Market Center, TX, October 2023

“Other Ways of Seeing”, curated by Orestes Gonzales & Pierre-Yves Linot, The Plaxall Gallery at The Culture Lab NYC, Jan- Feb. 2022

Talk for “Other Ways of Seeing”

“Iridesence: Juried Exhibition” juried by Bradley Sumrall, Louisiana Art & Science Museum, Honorable Mention, Aug 2021 - July 2022

“Curator’s Choice, Marcy Palmer” South x Southeast Photo Magazine, Dec - Jan 2022

“Flora & Fauna” South x Southeast Gallery, Molina GA, Jan. 2022

“Toast Auction”, Center for Fine Art Photography, December 2021

“Holiday Hues & Blues”, curated by Sherri Littlefield, Treat Gallery NYC, December 2021

“Processing Narratives: Heidi Kirkpatrick, Marcy Palmer, Mariana Pereira Vieira, Melanie Walker” curated by Samantha Johnston, Colorado Photographic Art Center, Oct. 5- Nov. 20, 2021

“Art on Fire” Dixon Gallery & Gardens: Art Museum, October 2021

“8x10” The Center for Photographic Art and on iGavel, Sept. 15- Oct. 7, 2021

“Marcy Palmer: Talk”, Plano Photo Club, September 2021

“LACP Benefit Auction 2021” on Artsy, September 2021

“The Roof is on Fire”, SF Camerawork Auction chaired by Jonathan Calm on Artsy, September 2021

Griffin Museum of Photography, Gold and Silver Leaf Workshops taught by Marcy Palmer, May, September 2021

“Staged Photography” Thinking About Photography, curated by Ann Mitchell, April 11- June 15, 2021

Griffin Museum of Photography “Photobook Week, Yoffy Press : Jennifer Yoffy talks to Marcy Palmer, Leo Magrelli, and Jonathan Blaustein, May 14, 2021

Katonah Museum Artist Association, “Virtual Coffee Shop Talk: Sandra Klein, Rita Mass, Marcy Palmer, and tribute to Paula Riff”, produced and moderated by Nancy A. Scherl, April 18, 2021

Goldenrod Editions, Issue 2, editors Roslyn Julia and Grace Tyson

Half Year, Vol. 5, Streit House Space, curator/editor Jordanna Kalman

Pearl Press, Issue 4, “Love Letters”, cover and interior, curated by Delilah Twersky

Pearl Press “Love Letters” cover and interior

Pearl Press “Love Letters” cover and interior

“All of the Lights” Treat Gallery, curated by Sherri Littlefield and on Artspace

2021 Member’s Juried Exhibition, juried by Susan Burnstine at The Center for Photographic Art, April 10- May 9, 2021

“If Not Now, When? Part Two” Spilt Milk Gallery, Scotland, March 8- April 11, 2021

F-STOP Book Review: You Are Eternity, You Are the Mirror by Marcy Palmer, Cary Benbow

F-STOP Book Review: You Are Eternity, You Are the Mirror by Marcy Palmer

F-STOP Book Review: You Are Eternity, You Are the Mirror by Marcy Palmer

L’Oiel de la Photographie, Yoffy Press: Marcy Palmer: You Are Eternity, You Are the Mirror

Lenscratch Marcy Palmer: You Are Eternity, You Are the Mirror

Lenscratch Marcy Palmer: You Are Eternity, You Are the Mirror

Deep Red Press, 2020 Best Books! “You Are Eternity, You Are the Mirror”

Deep Red Press, 2020 Best Books

The Luupe, Women-Made Photobooks that will Shift Your Worldview

The Luupe, Women-Made Photobooks that will Shift Your Worldview

Photo-Eye Favorite Photobooks of 2020, Jon FeinsteinYou Are Eternity, You Are the Mirror”

Photo-Eye Favorite 2020

“On the Line” at the New Orleans Photo Alliance Gallery, concurrent with “Illumenate” Open Air Projections during PhotoNOLA, Dec. 5, 2020 - Feb. 5, 2021. “Firestorm/Time for Change” will be shown at a new, larger size, image size 16x19.5 in, framed 20x22 in.

Poignant Portfolio on One Twelve Publishing! I’m thrilled to be featured on One Twelve! Blue Mitchell and his publishing projects have been so supportive over the years, thank you Blue! See it at

“You are Eternity, You are the Mirror” is now available at Yoffy Press! To order a copy,

Signing the new “You are Eternity, You are the Mirror”!

Signing the new “You are Eternity, You are the Mirror”!

International Juried Exhibition 2020 at The Center for Photographic Art, juried by Aline Smithson, includes “Once Was” online at up through Dec. 20, 2020

Talk at The Center for Photographic Art, 1pm PST on Sept. 23 ! I am so excited about this! Please register in advance at


Interview with Jon Feinstein on Humble Arts Foundation! I’ve been a big fan of Jon’s work and HAF for a while, and am so excited about this!

20x200 Artist Spotlight. Thank you 20x200!!

20 Artist Spotlight

20 Artist Spotlight

“On the Line”, New Orleans Photo Alliance, juried by Brian Piper,, location TBD



“BookTalk”, Jennifer Yoffy and myself doing a Zoom talk with the South East Center for Photography. May 16, 2pm EST.

“Book Talk” event

“Book Talk” event

“You Are Eternity, You Are the Mirror” will be published by Yoffy Press this fall!! Please see the book presale and prints page to support this project and a portion of print sales goes to Feeding America, in response to the COVID-19 crisis.


“Tropes Gone Wild” at Humble Arts Foundation Curated by Jon Feinstein and Roula Seikaly.

“Currents 2019: Reimagined Histories I Rewritten Futures” curated by Jon Feinstein at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, Dec. 6 2019 - Feb. 9, 2020 Work by Matthew Cronin, Laura Newlon, Rebecca Nadjowski, Paolo Morales, Marcy Palmer, Cheryle St. Onge, Paul Thulin-Jiminez, Bradly Dever Treadaway, Meg Turner and Courtney Webster, and Alex Christopher Williams

“Once Was” Marcy Palmer

“Once Was” Marcy Palmer

Photolucida Critical Mass Top 200 Finalist, 2019

I was a top 200 finalist for Critical Mass in 2019.

Center Forward, The Center for Fine Art Photography, curated by Laura Moya, September 7- 28, 2019

“Carduus Nutans Sways” was awarded an honorable mention.

Article in Aint-Bad by Kyra Schmidt on my Flora series, June 2019

Review of “Down Garden Paths” by Mark Feeney in The Boston Globe. Curated by Paula Tognarelli at The Griffin Museum of Photography, April 11 - June 2, 2019. Work by artists Craig J. Barber, Joan Lobis Brown, Jimmy Fike, Ivana Damien George, Emily Hamilton Laux, Marcy Palmer, Paula Riff, & Vaughn Sills.

Review by Mark Feeney in the Boston Globe of “Down Garden Paths”. Images by Ivana George, Jimmy Fike, Paula Riff, Vaughn Sills, & Marcy Palmer

Review by Mark Feeney in the Boston Globe of “Down Garden Paths”. Images by Ivana George, Jimmy Fike, Paula Riff, Vaughn Sills, & Marcy Palmer

Interview in Ain’t-Bad with Kyra Schmidt

Interview in Ain’t-Bad with Kyra Schmidt

Review in D Magazine by Alaena Hotstetter, May 2019 of “The Intentional Hand”. “So Tell Me Now” is my image below.

Review in D Magazine by Alaena Hostetter, May 2019, Image by Marcy Palmer

Review in D Magazine by Alaena Hostetter, May 2019, Image by Marcy Palmer

“The Intentional Hand” curated by Frank Lopez at The Bathhouse Cultural Center, Dallas, TX, May 4-June 8, 2019.

Elin Spring’s review in What Will You Remember of “Down Garden Paths”.

Review of Down Garden Paths by Elin Spring in What Will You Remember, April 2019

Review of Down Garden Paths by Elin Spring in What Will You Remember, April 2019

Postcard Salon 2019, Jarvis Dooney Galerie, Berlin, GE, March 7-April 20

“Butterfly” from Penumbral Being at Jarvis Dooney Galerie

“Butterfly” from Penumbral Being at Jarvis Dooney Galerie

Vignette, curated by Leslie Moody Castro, Women’s Museum, Dallas, TX April 9-14

Five images from “Penumbral Being” were selected for Vignette

Five images from “Penumbral Being” were selected for Vignette

Shootapalooza Photo Collective, Diversity: Paths in Alternative Contemporary Photography, Wichita Falls Museum of Art, March 15- May 2

“Windblown Wildflowers”, 24k gilded print, 2018, and me

“Windblown Wildflowers”, 24k gilded print, 2018, and me

Too Tired Project #Chicago at Latitude Chicago, March 1, 2019

“Butterfly”, 2018

“Butterfly”, 2018

Lenscratch Art & Science : Art of Healing: Marcy Palmer

“Marcy Palmer: Flora” at Claire Elizabeth Gallery December 15 - January 20, 2019


Director’s Award, “Wonder” exhibition, The Center of Fine Art Photography, director Hamidah Glasgow and juror Jean Dykstra, fall 2018

My image, “your sweet magic” won the Director’s Award in the Wonder exhibition at The Center for Fine Art Photography. Thank you, Hamidah and Jean!

Director’s Award, “Wonder” exhbition, The Center for Fine Art Photography

Director’s Award, “Wonder” exhbition, The Center for Fine Art Photography

“Marcy Palmer: Unearthing Series” at Brazos Gallery, Richland College, Dallas, TX May 14- June 22, 2018

Marcy Palmer: Unearthing Series, Brazos Gallery, Richland College

Marcy Palmer: Unearthing Series, Brazos Gallery, Richland College

Marcy Palmer: Unearthing Series, Brazos Gallery, Richland College

Marcy Palmer: Unearthing Series, Brazos Gallery, Richland College

Marcy Palmer: Unearthing Series, Brazos Gallery, Richland College

Marcy Palmer: Unearthing Series, Brazos Gallery, Richland College

"Depth of Field 2018, Rfotofolio" at the Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA April 14- May 20, 2018

Me and "burst" at the opening for "Depth of Field 2018" curated by Rfotofolio.  What an honor to be a part of that show! 

"burst", archival inkjet on kozo paper in "Depth of Field 2018, Rfotofolio" at the Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA

"burst", archival inkjet on kozo paper in "Depth of Field 2018, Rfotofolio" at the Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA

"Tree Talk" at the Griffin Museum of Photography, satellite gallery in the Lafayette City Center Passageway, Boston Jan 30-May 30 2018

My image, "extended grasp" is in the  group exhibition "Tree Talk" at the Griffin Museum of Photography, satellite gallery Lafayette City Center Passageway in Boston, MA.  The exhibition is on view Jan. 30 - May 30, 2018!

"extended grasp" in "Tree Talk" exhibition, Griffin Museum, Lafayette City Center Passageway, Boston

"extended grasp" in "Tree Talk" exhibition, Griffin Museum, Lafayette City Center Passageway, Boston

Rfoto Folio 2017 Selection and Interview

"dizzy" was chosen as a 2017 Selection for Rfoto Folio by Barbara Bullock-Wilson, daughter of Edna and Wynn Bullock, and author of "Wynn Bullock : Color Light Abstractions" and many other books.  I was also interviewed by Rfoto Folio on my practice, and they published a gallery of my work. 

Gold, PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris 2016 Award, Professional Fine Art, Abstract category

Selected images from the "Unearthing Series" won Gold in Professional Fine Art, Abstract category of the PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris 2016 Award.  Please view at

PX3 Award Gold Abstract Fine Art 2016

PX3 Award Gold Abstract Fine Art 2016

Lenscratch Art + Science Edition featuring Marcy Palmer

My work featured on the Lenscratch Art + Science Edition:  

Humble Arts Foundation "On Beauty" exhibition

"twilight with you" is in the Humble Arts Foundation's exhibition, "On Beauty".  Go to to see it!

"dizzy" released as a limited edition print on 20x200 I Jen Bekman Projects

Go to to collect your print!  To read more about this image, go to


"your sweet magic" at the Magnolia Ball silent auction, Ogden Museum of Southern Art

The Magnolia Ball silent auction benefits the Ogden Museum of Southern Art (auction is currently closed) 

"your sweet magic" from the unearthing series, 17" x 22" archival inkjet on japanese kozo paper

"your sweet magic" from the unearthing series, 17" x 22" archival inkjet on japanese kozo paper

"burst" on 20x200

"burst" is available in a limited edition through!  Go to: to collect your print!  Read about "burst" and the Unearthing Series on the 20x200 blog here

"From Light to Shadow: Works by Amanda S. Fenlon, Kristin Eckstein, & Marcy Palmer" at the Claire Elizabeth Gallery

Selected images from the "Unearthing Series" are shown alongside abstract paintings by Amanda S. Fenlon and Kristin Eckstein, "From Light to Shadow"April 7- May 27, 2017.  Artist Reception is April 22,   5-8pm at the Claire Elizabeth Gallery, New Orleans, LA.

"From Light to Shadow" at Claire Elizabeth Gallery

"From Light to Shadow" at Claire Elizabeth Gallery

Currents 2016: NOPA Members Exhibition at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art

Juried by Kevin Miller of the Southeast Museum of Photography.  Selected images from the Unearthing Series were chosen for the exhibition. December 2016 - January 2017

"Currents 2016" Ogden Museum of Southern Art

"Currents 2016" Ogden Museum of Southern Art

"Light"  at A Smith Gallery

Three images from the Unearthing Series were in "Light" juried by Jennifer Schlesinger Director of Verve Gallery.  The image "twilight with you" won a Juror's Honorable Mention for the exhibition at A Smith Gallery November - December 2016

"twilight with you" Juror's Honorable Mention, juror Jennifer Schlesinger

"twilight with you" Juror's Honorable Mention, juror Jennifer Schlesinger

Berlin Foto Biennale 2016

"your sweet magic", "tell me now", and "twilight with you" from the Unearthing Series were shown at the Berlin Foto Biennale 2016 in Berlin, Germany, October 2016.  The Berlin Foto Biennale is an associate partner of the European Month of Photography.

berlin foto biennale1.jpg

 "Leminscate of Diffusion" at A Smith Gallery & FotoSeptimbre USA, SAFoto Festival 2016

The images "extended grasp" and "your sweet magic" from the Unearthing Series were in the "Leminscate of Diffusion", Diffusion Magazine Annual 2016   The image "extended grasp" from the Unearthing Series was shown in the Diffusion Annual Exhibition at A Smith Gallery, curated by Blue Mitchell and Libby Rowe during the FotoSeptiembre USA SAFoto Festival in Johnson City, TX, September - October 2016.

diffusionmag copy.jpg


Brighton Photo Fringe Festival 2016

An image from the Unearthing Series was shown at the Brighton Photo Fringe Festival in Brighton, England, October 2016.


Griffin Museum of Photography, 22nd Juried Exhibition Instagram Exhibition

"your sweet magic" from the Unearthing Series is in the Griffin Museum of Photography's 22nd Juried Exhibition, Instagram Edition, curated by Paula Tognarelli and Iaritza Menjivar in August 2016.

"your sweet magic", Marcy Palmer

"your sweet magic", Marcy Palmer


"2016 Open Juried Exhibition" at the Vermont Center for Photography

"your sweet magic" from the Unearthing Series was shown in the 2016 Open Juried Exhibition at the Vermont Center for Photography, juried by Paula Tognarelli, Director of the Griffin Museum of Photography, March 2016.

Vermont Center for Photography

Vermont Center for Photography


"Lens 2016" at the Perspective Gallery

"twilight with you" from the Unearthing Series was shown in the Lens 2016 exhibition at Perspective Gallery juried by Juli Lowe, Director of Catherine Edelman Gallery, March 2016.


"A Hope, Prayer, and a Dream" at the Main Street Projects

"extended grasp" from the Unearthing Series was shown in A Hope, Prayer, and a Dream at Main Street Projects, Houston, curated by Laura Corley-Burton and Marti Corn, during FotoFest 2016, March - April 2016.


7th Edition of the Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers

"so tell me now" form the Unearthing Series was selected as a finalist for the Fine Art Category of the 7th Edition of the Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers